Litany of Saints
North Carolina artist, Matthew Good, completed a pentaptych entitled Litany of Saints which is proudly displayed at its permanent home on the west gallery rail of St. Charles Borromeo Church.
Litany of Saints presents Christ as the central figure surrounded by thirty-four persons from the two testaments of the Bible and later church life: patriarchs, prophets, martyrs, evangelists, religious, bishops, popes and laity. The work is laid out in a series of five painted panels, each with seven figures bursting with life and color.
Matthew, whose home is in Hickory, brought to his creation a love for his faith and a passion for expression and discovery with color and line. He used live models to accomplish his goal of presenting the saints, not as disembodied heavenly beings, but as living, breathing persons on earth, fully engaged in the joys and sorrows of living their faith. You’ll recognize Fr. Ken and Fr. Bob Ferris (pastor at St. Aloysius, Hickory).
Matthew Good, born in 1983, has studied with the renowned fresco artists Roger Allen Nelson and Benjamin F. Long IV. For more information, visit Matthew Good’s website.